Our Services

We offer three basic services, each with options designed so that, whatever your needs, your tech will. Just. Work.

The services include:

Repair My Site

Emergency Fix

Something on your site is broken and you need it fixed, stat! Stop, drop, roll, and get the help you need.

$150 for initial assessment and simple fix. Additional hourly rate applies to complex issues.

Site Clean Up

Your site is running slower than it used to, or it’s not functioning as well as you’d like. Or it’s been *mumble* amount of time since it got some dedicated TLC.

Get an in-depth assessment of your site for $345 and a report with tailored recommendations and an estimate for making your site squeaky clean.

The assessment covers: 

  • Basic site health
  • Core functionality
  • Site speed
  • Security

No matter how long it’s been since your site last had a spring-cleaning, now is the perfect time to get it done, and get some help doing it!

Maintain My Site

Get website upkeep out of your headspace. From updates and backups to security scans and site repair, your site will run smoothly with someone to stay on top of regular tasks and handle any surprises that might arise in the process.


$ 150 Monthly
  • monthly site updates & backups
  • basic site repair
  • monthly security scans
  • quarterly report


$ 250 Monthly
  • semimonthly site updates & backups​
  • site repair & tweaks​​
  • monthly security scans​
  • quarterly report​
  • speed scans and optimization
  • replace outdated themes & plugins
  • 2 custom hours


$ 400 Monthly
  • weekly site updates & backups
  • site repair & tweaks
  • semimonthly security scans
  • advanced quarterly report
  • speed scans and optimization
  • replace outdated themes & plugins
  • 5 custom hours
  • support for integrations & automations

Maintenance Add-ons

Free up even more of your time and brain space with add-ons to your maintenance plan.

Automate My Tech

When these situations are all too familiar…

  • You’re using a lot of different services and apps to run the back end of your business. And, by a lot, you mean a LOT
  • You’re constantly moving information from one service to another so they can all do their jobs
  • You spend a disproportionate amount of time or money on office/admin work
  • You have a number of tasks that are frequent or scheduled or boring
  • At least once a day, you find yourself thinking to yourself in frustration “I’m not a machine! Why do I keep having to do this?”

…it’s time to automate. 

Get those services and apps talking to each other without you (or your assistant) having to act as a go-between, cut down on office overhead, and regain the time and mental space to do what you love.

In sum, get your technology working for you.

What the Process Looks Like

Getting your automation project from dream to reality takes a few steps designed to make sure the end result is created not only efficiently, but also custom-fitted to your exact needs. It’s fun, too. 😄

  1. Initial consult: We have an initial 30 min video call to discuss what you’re needing and determine whether we’d be a good fit for the project.
  2. Scoping sessions: If the project is a large one, we then have some scoping calls to create a detailed plan of action.
  3. Deliverables: You choose the deliverables that best fit your current needs and budget.
  4. Creation and sign off: We create your new automation, meeting with you regularly to show progress and get sign off on deliverables.
  5. Peace of mind: You get the finished project, training videos (if applicable), and the peace of knowing your systems have got your back.

Not sure if what you want can be automated? Contact us and we can help you figure out if automation will work for you!
