Get your website woes addressed quickly! If any part of your website is broken, causing you difficulties, or simply not looking how it should, Repair My Site is what you need.
Updates are piling up. You can’t remember the last time you backed up your site (if ever). Your to do list is simply too full. Get your brain back with Maintain My Site.
It’s that task, that process you keep doing over and over. Those services and tools you wish with all your heart would talk to each other. Automate My Tech has got your back.
Hooking up different web services is not as easy as those tech articles would have you think. Thank goodness for Thea! Instead of spending hours in angry tears, troubleshooting and tweaking, I say to Thea (my fairy techmother) "It would be awesome if..." and bippity boppity, she makes it happen.
If anything technical is working on the back end of my business, she probably had a hand in it, and she makes it look easy. We've used Airtable, Zapier, Xero, Meistertask, Trello, Gravity Forms, Stripe, Freshdesk, and many others I've probably forgotten because I Don't. Have. To. Deal with it. Enough said.
I don't have to worry about the website backend, which I know nothing about. In the past that was always a HUGE concern.
If you don't want to have to worry about your website being updated and staying on top of things, along with having a true expert there any time you need them, it's such a huge relief and the best money you will ever spend.
I needed issues resolved that had been negatively impacting clients’ first experiences with myself and my website. Thea got it done quickly and easily and I felt I was in good hands.
I have worked with a website/tech person before. This experience was quicker and for more acute/deeper issues.
Over at HollysWritingClasses.com, after a grueling move from abandonware to Lifter LMS, my team and I found ourselves with no way to give immediate, full access to 6,800 students who'd purchased my classes up to twenty years ago.
Thea gave us specific directions for finding not just the database we needed (one the software creators never thought to direct us to) but also gave us the specific location in the specific table that allowed us to unlock the courses for all my folks. With one click, her tip got all my students all their lessons immediately.
So let it stay behind the scenes.
My name is Thea van Diepen (pronounced like TAY-a van DEE-pen), and I'm the founder of Blue Larch Tech. I have nearly a decade of experience working with both WordPress websites and a whole host of online tools and services, and I like to take a hands on approach making sure technical things work. People have commented on how my eyes light up when I have a new problem to solve. It means more buttons to press.
Get us taking care of your tech backend and you'll find you won't have to think about it anymore because it. Will. Just. Work.
Copyright © 2024 Thea van Diepen, Blue Larch Technologies